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Day 9

I believe I'm through the worst of it. Quitting sugar, salt, grains, cereals, dairy, and beer cold turkey is tough to do, but totally doable and worth doing. On Saturday, I felt the worst I've felt in a long time, but Sunday was a good day, though. I went for a 52k bike ride in the morning, hit the Safeway, cooked dinner for 10 people, and then went and played hockey later that night. I must've been feeling better.

My body is changing, too. I look and feel very lean, and the 6-pack is making a comeback. I went for a Crossfit workout this morning and I felt pretty good. Still a little sluggish, but much improved over last week. I've lost a little weight. I was about 190lbs, but have slimmed down to 182lbs in the last week and a bit. I've been doing a lot of cycling lately, so I'm sure that's a contributing factor, but the complete lack of bacon, beer, and chocolate in my diet is having the biggest impact, I'm sure.

I've turned into quite the chef, as well. I really never thought I'd see the day where I'm excited to get home and start cooking. It just never entered my mind in the past. Now I think about it all day, and I can't wait to make something yummy for Jennifer and me.

Last week, after eating a couple of meals of barbecued chicken (with no marinade) and some steamed vegetables, I decided I couldn't continue in that vein. Too bland. There's no way I'd make it a month eating like that. So I made the fish stew with Gran (see the last post) and it opened my mind to the possibilities. I then made a wickedly simple salmon dish. One fresh salmon filet (de-skinned and cut into a one pound chunk) with cumen seeds, dill seeds, chopped chives, and sliced lemon on top, in a piece of tinfoil, in the oven for 10 minutes per inch of thickness (1.5" = 15 mins) and done. It tasted great! I liked it so much, in fact, I made it with some steamed asparagus for 10 people at the oscar party we had at our house. I took a page from Kristin's book and made an awesome dessert, too. I cut some slabs off of the block of pitted dates that I picked up at Safeway and microwaved it with some dark, unsweetened chocolate (I looked at the unsweetened coconut, but it was full of chemicals). I'm pretty sure cavemen couldn't have put this one together, but there's no added sugar, so I think I'm still in compliance. I have to say, though, while I was eating it, I didn't really care.

I love this cooking thing! Who knew?! I got pretty adventurous tonight and made seared Ahi Tuna dish for us (it's payback for Jennifer supporting me through the MBA over the last couple of years). I bought some huge chunks of sashimi grade tuna from Whole Foods, rubbed coarsely ground pepper onto both sides, cooked it for two minutes per side in a super hot pan (lightly coated with olive oil), and served it with sliced lemons, quartered strawberries, and some chopped avocado. Brilliant! Not cheap, but brilliant! I'm a culinary convert.

I'm going to make salsa chicken tomorrow...


  1. Babe,

    You are doing amazing. I am LOVING YOUR COOKING! This is incredible. Jer made Brie and papaya quesidilas once about 10 years ago and now - seared ahi tuna. I am in heaven. Once I stop breastfeeding all these babies I'll be completely on board.

    Nice work superstar,
    Jenn xooxxo


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